A warm Guided Home welcome To Vivd Homes and their customers!

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VIVID are a leading provider of affordable homes in the south of England. Everyone has the right to a safe and secure place to call home and with a VIVID home customers also have access to a wide range of tailored support to sustain their tenancies and look after their wellbeing.

VIVID invest in communities and address the shortage of affordable housing in the south, building the right type of homes to meet society’s needs. VIVID are the sixth largest developer of new homes amongst housing associations in England, having built 1,390 last year.

VIVID were awarded Gold for Housing Association of the Year at the National WhatHouse? Awards in November 2019 and continue are a Homes England Strategic Partner.

VIVID – Welcome To Guided Home.

Find out more at https://www.vividhomes.co.uk/about-us/more-homes

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